Delivering Technology to Assess and Promote Nature Exposure

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NatureQuant is the bridge between the Nature Deficit the Nature Cure.

The science is indisputable: nature exposure provides profound mental and physical health improvements. Through innovative technology, machine learning, and big-data, NatureQuant provides tools to fully leverage nature's impact.

  • The Nature Deficit
  • NatureQuant
  • The Nature Cure
The Nature Deficit

Humans are more disconnected from nature today than at any other time in history.

Humanity is undergoing an unprecedented shift from a largely natural, outdoor life to existence within built, urban environments - largely in front of screens. Our new environment is drastically different from our surroundings for 99% of human history.

As a result, humans are increasingly disconnected from nature. The impact of this fundamental change in lifestyle is not entirely clear, but illness and all-cause mortality has been linked to time spent indoors.

The Deficit - Screens


Determine the quality and quantity of natural elements for a location.

NatureQuant has synthesized multiple nature quantification data-sources through a machine-learning process to deliver a “NatureScore” that maximizes the health benefits of nature exposure. Discover your score.

Score Key
  • 0-19.9
  • 20-39.9
  • 40-59.9
  • 60-79.9
  • 80-100

Our Results

Exposing the benefits of access to nature.

  • Health
  • Real Estate
  • Research

Effect Size Between 1-5 Leaf Rating Zones

As seen to the right, NatureQuant’s optimized NatureScore® technology has proven to powerfully predict longevity and the reduction of poor mental and physical health outcomes. In short, to live a longer and healthier life, it is helpful to find a high NatureScore.

EPA logo

To learn more about the relationship between your environment and your health visit the EPA's Eco-Health Relationship Browser.

NatureScore Health

Note: NatureScore measurements derived from 29,296 census tracts and the 500 largest U.S. cities(*).

Effect size represents the standardized mean difference between upper and lower quintiles divided by the standard deviation.

(a) Source: U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project (USALEEP): Life Expectancy Estimates File, National Center for Health Statistics. 2010-2017. (b) Source: 500 Cities Project Data, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2017. (c) Source: Multiple Cause of Death Data, National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health Statistics. Years of Collection: 2015-2017.


The enhanced accessibility of quantified and optimized nature exposure has many applications:

  • Real Estate - Automated Valuation Models

    Real Estate
    Automated Valuation Models

    NatureQuant can enhance AVM accuracy to provide buyers and sellers with better home value estimates through unique and intelligent environmental data.

  • Real Estate

    Real Estate

    NatureQuant can partner with leading real estate technology and information service providers to deliver relevant NatureScore data for homes and commercial properties.

  • Direct to Consumer

    Direct to Consumer

    NatureQuant can provide individuals the ability to track their personal nature exposure and select nature rich environments for their home and recreation.

  • Healthcare & Health Insurance

    Healthcare & Health Insurance

    NatureQuant can help healthcare professionals and insurance providers prescribe and track nature exposure for both prevention and treatment.

  • Financial Analysis

    Financial Analysis

    Given the strong associations NatureScore has shown with longevity and real estate prices, financial analysts could use NatureScore to improve their forecasting models (pension plan liability / life and health insurance models / real estate portfolio pricing / etc.).

  • Businesses


    NatureQuant can partner with other fitness, health, and mental therapy apps as well as serve businesses seeking to generally improve the health and productivity of their employees.

  • Government


    NatureQuant can assist governments in city planning, natural resource management, and public health promotion.

  • Research


    NatureQuant is partnering with leading medical, economic, and epidemiological researchers.

Nature in the Media

Research and News articles about the Nature movement.

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