Improved Cardiovascular Health
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Increased Longevity
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Measure your time spent outside with NatureDose®
What is NatureDose®?
NatureDose® is your personalized nature prescription.
On par with diet, exercise, or adequate sleep, making nature exposure an essential part of your lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make for your health. Backed by hundreds of scientific studies, increasing your time exposed to natural elements can have profound impacts, from a stronger immune system and reduced anxiety in adults to better eyesight and brain development in kids. It's no surprise that "Nature Prescriptions" were named one of the top global wellness trends at The Global Wellness Summit and thousands of health care professionals and governments around the world are employing nature as a health tool.
Pillars of Wellness
“Looking at the preeminence of nature from another perspective: it is
at last, and fast becoming the fourth pillar of health and wellbeing,
alongside (1) diet, (2) exercise, and (3) sleep habits.”
Thierry Malleret, Global Wellness Institute

What are the benefits of NatureDose®?
Overwhelming evidence in the scientific literature links nature exposure to improvements in physiological and psychological human health.
Over 300 observational and interventional studies, tracking over 300 million individuals, investigating over 100 unique health outcomes, have convincingly demonstrated that greater nature exposure results in improvements in health span and longevity. In short, these studies prove that nature exposure can result in a longer, healthier, and even happier life.
Improved Attention Span
Improved Cognitive Function
Improved Academic Performance
Improved Self-Esteem
Less Stress/Anxiety
Increased Happiness
Restores Focus and Attention
Reduced ADHD in Children
Increased Anti-Cancer Proteins, NK Cells
Reduction in Spread of Infectious/Zoonotic Diseases
Increased Immune Response
Reduction in Inflammatory Diseases
Increased Social Interaction
Reduced Crime Rates
Enhanced Social Cohesion
Esthetic Appreciation
NatureDose® Pathways

How does the Strava app/integration work?
The Strava integration (and forthcoming others) leverage NatureQuant's patent-pending NatureScore® and NatureDose® technology to measure both the nature experience of your activity, as well as the NatureDose®.
NatureQuant analyzes your activity (for any activity with a GPS track), and updates the description field of the activity with the NatureScore®, as well as the NatureDose® you received. Furthermore, it tallies up your total NatureDose for the week, and shows how you are faring against the recommended 120 minutes in nature per week.
Our Strava app/integration is separate from our NatureDose mobile app. We aim to add synchronization between the two in the future, but currently, while they have similar functionality, they are not integrated and do not share data.
Please note, we currently only score activities located in North America. We are in the process of providing global coverage. Please email us with any feedback.

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