Discover your NatureScore®
NatureScore® is currently available for the United States.
NatureScore® measures the amount and quality of natural elements of any address using a patent-pending system. For each address, NatureQuant analyzes and blends various data sets and processed information within a given radius, including satellite infrared measurements, GIS and land classifications, park data and features, tree canopies, air, noise and light pollutions, and computer vision elements (aerial and street images).
The considered elements are weighted to create the highest correlation with the predictive health impacts of given natural elements via a machine learning process. Note that certain "natural" elements that have not demonstrated positive health correlations, like sand or rock, are therefore less valuable than live vegetation.

Behind our Scores
Score Definitions
Go Deeper
Beyond census tracts, the NatureScore system can also provide more granular, custom data (down to 10-meter resolution). Data can be delivered for specific addresses, custom polygons, or in gridded city “heat-maps.” The NatureScore system can also be used to create predictive algorithms of nature’s impact on elements other than public health, including urban heat islands , real estate values , air quality , social/economic benefits , etc. Finally, the NatureScore Priority Index is also available, which layers in socio-economic data to identify areas of nature deficiency and other disadvantages.
NatureScore is currently available in North America with planned expansion to Europe and Australia.
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